Let me introduce myself...

My photo
I'm a stay at home mother to 3 beautiful children who provide my with a great deal of joy, and I have a wonderful husband who works very hard to provide for us. Life with 3 young children can be very chaotic and stressful at times. However, I have found that with a little (or a lot) or planning and organization, life can be a lot simpler and happier. I like to refer to this as 'organized chaos!' So now that we're acquainted, why don't you make yourself a nice hot cup of tea, relax and sit down and browse through my blog. Please feel free to drop me a line :)

60 Things to Complete by 11/11/2011

This is a list of all those jobs and things I keep putting off. I figure, if I put them all down onto a list and give myself a deadline in which to try and complete them all, I might actually DO THEM!

  1. Get a sewing machine and learn how to do basic things (ie hemming, adjustments, repairs etc)
  2. Learn how to knit - DONE (May 2010)
  3. Learn how to make black forest cake
  4. Do a zumba workout at least once a week - designate a day to do it
  5. Go to the Titanic exhibition - DONE (May 2010)
  6. Organise Titanic restaurant for my 32nd birthday - need to book late 2011
  7. Read 'Memoirs of a Geisha' - in progress
  8. Watch the movie 'Australia' - DONE (May 2010)
  9. Learn to play the keyboard
  10. Make an inspirational board/book with things I like that inspire me (quotes, pictures, photos etc)

  1. Organise a keepsake box for Melody - DONE (April 2010)
  2. Organise a keepsake box for Ebony - DONE (April 2010)
  3. Organise a keepsake box for Jack - DONE (April 2010)
  4. Organise photo album/scrapbook for Melody
  5. Organise photo album/scrapbook for Ebony
  6. Organise photo album/scrapbook for Jack
  7. Organise Jack and Ebony's birthday party - DONE (June 2010)
  8. Organise Melody's 1st birthday party
  9. Teach Ebony to recognise each letter of the alphabet and numbers 1-10 - in progress
  10. Organise Tim's 30th birthday party - DONE (May 2010)
  11. Make Saturday nights 'date night' with Tim
  12. Take Ebony to the library every week for Storytime
  13. Plan one weekend a month as a family weekend doing an activity we would not usually do (ie go to the museum, trip to the beach, roller skating, 'Puffing Billy' etc)
  14. Organise a small holiday/camping trip
  15. Organise a baby shower for Cherry - DONE (3/07/10)
  1. Organise and sort out photos in the box under the bed and put into albums
  2. Go through all the photos on the computer, edit, and back up onto discs. Sort them into folders of about 50 photos (if possible) so that I can take advantage of online photo printing specials as they come up)
  3. Print photos on the computer (when specials available) and put photos into frames/albums as soon as received
  4. Update photos in frames around the house to include Melody
  5. Empty footage on the video camera onto the computer and back up onto disc so that we can start using the video camera again - in progress
  6. Update the information in the Household Notebook Organiser - DONE (June 2010)
  7. Start doing Flylady cleaning zones/routine properly
  8. Create a menu planning book/box with meal ideas and recipes and write a menu plan each week
  9. Do a stocktake of the freezers and pantries and maintain records to assist in menu planning
  10. Complete a $21 challenge (attempt to make it a monthly event)
  11. Update and continue with budget spreadsheet - DONE (April 2010)
  12. Make a gift box to store gifts in that are collect throughout the year when on special - DONE (May 2010)
  13. Cover magazine holders and boxes for storage - DONE (May 2010)
  14. Declutter computer desk - DONE (May 2010)
  15. Go through filing cabinet and dispose of/archive old paperwork
  16. Go through computer and delete old emails and files, and sort remaining into folders - DONE (June 2010)
  17. Do a 31 Tip Challenge - find a new tip each day for a month and implement it
  18. Read 'Tightwad Gazette' and note down tips I want to try
  19. Create a word document for tips I think are noteworthy or that I would like to try - DONE (June 2010)
  20. Go through Tim's clothes and declutter - DONE (May 2010)
  21. Go through my clothes and declutter
  22. Go through Jack's clothes and declutter - DONE (May 2010)
  23. Go through Ebony's clothes and work out what is worth keeping for Melody
  24. Organise a box to put Melody's clothes into as she outgrows them to give to Cherry - DONE (May 2010)
  25. Make a list of clothes and sizes needed for next year to make use of end of season sales
  26. Declutter walk-in-robe and bedside drawers - DONE (May 2010)
  27. Declutter TV cabinet - DONE (April 2010)
  28. Declutter bathroom cupboard - DONE (June 2010)
  29. Declutter kitchen cabinet - DONE (May 2010)
  30. Sand down and re-varnish kitchen cabinet
  31. Start a potted herb garden
  32. Attempt veggie patch again
    • Celery
    • Carrots
    • Broccoli
    • Cauliflower
    • Potatoes
    • Mushroom box - DONE (April 2010)
  33. Put all my superannuation into one company and update my beneficiaries
  34. Write a will
  35. Organise contents insurance