- Take my children to England to meet Nan & Pops
See artifacts recovered from the Titanic- DONE! (May 2010)- Go to the Titanic restaurant as a first class passenger
- Swim with a dolphin
- Go whale watching to see killer whales
- Be an extra in a movie or be in a play
- Own a home
- Do a round-the-world trip
- Be an audience member for a TV show
- Ride an elephant
- Go horse riding
- Go to Daylesford Day Spas
- See a volcano
- Write a book
- Spend a night at Werribee Mansion
- Go on a haunted house/ghost tour
- Shower in a waterfall
- Learn to play the keyboard
- Drive around Australia visiting the ‘Big Things’
- Scuba dive off the Great Barrier Reef
- Go up in a hot air balloon
- Visit the Pyramids of Egypt
- Get another tattoo
- Learn how to make black forest cake
- Go on an African Safari
- Take the kids to Disney World
- Write letters to my children
- See a Cirque Du Soleil show
- Go skiing
- Watch a movie premiere
- Fly in first class
- Spend a day having a pedicure, manicure, massage and facial
- See the Northern Lights
- Build a snowman and have a snowball fight with my children
- Renovate a property
- Have a glamour photo shoot done
- See my children enjoy a White Christmas
- Play with my Grandchildren
- Ride in a helicopter
- Take my children to the theme parks in Queensland
- Live on a small property/farm and be self sufficient
- Have singing lessons
Learn how to sewLearn how to knit- DONE! (May 2010)- Cross the Sydney Harbour Bridge
- See a concert at the Sydney Opera House
- Cook a meal using only vegetables that I have grown
- Host a formal fancy dress dinner party with everyone in period costume
- Dress up and go to the Melbourne Cup
- Take up pole dancing lessons
A journey about love, life, family and embracing the Vintage Housewife that lives inside me...
Let me introduce myself...

- Kelly
- I'm a stay at home mother to 3 beautiful children who provide my with a great deal of joy, and I have a wonderful husband who works very hard to provide for us. Life with 3 young children can be very chaotic and stressful at times. However, I have found that with a little (or a lot) or planning and organization, life can be a lot simpler and happier. I like to refer to this as 'organized chaos!' So now that we're acquainted, why don't you make yourself a nice hot cup of tea, relax and sit down and browse through my blog. Please feel free to drop me a line :)