I read so many interesting and inspiring blogs that sometimes I get disheartened that I could never write anything as thought provoking or interesting as some of the people who inspire me. However, I have decided that this blog is going to be more for me... somewhere I can put my thoughts down, and be able to look back on later. If people read what I write and enjoy it or find it interesting, then that is merely a bonus. If I write from the heart, without worrying about what other people think, then I will be less restricted and more inlined to actually maintain my blog.
I know its been quite some time since I last blogged, but since there has been quite a few changes in my life in the last few months, and so I decided that now might be a good time to restart my blogging journey.
Since I last wrote on my blog, my daughter has undergone surgery to have her vesicostomy reversed, and also had bilateral ureteric reimplantation. Whilst all signs were good at the beginning that she would be able to 'wee' sucessfully on her own, she showed signs she was unable to empty her bladder fully in one go, but was rather just doing little bits. Because of this, I am now doing intermittent catheterisation with her 3 times a day. She has adapted to this very quickly and easily which has made the process a lot easier to deal with.
I have also started to attempt to toilet train her, as I figured that she would be more aware of sensations 'down there' now, as she has never really experienced those feelings before. This is a very hit and miss process. We haven't had a lot of success with keeping knickers dry (as I mentioned she tends to do lots of little bits) but she has successfully been able to use the toilet on a very regular basis. We just need to try and catch her BEFORE it goes in her pants, which is hard when she seems to go every 10 minutes! Hopefully we will be able to teach her to hold on for longer so that she can just do it all at once, but that is a matter of 'wait and see'.
With everything that is going on Little Miss E, it has caused me to reevaluate a lot of the things in my life. There have been a few instances of late that have caused me to question some of my so called 'friendships' and whether they are in fact worth maintaining. As a result, there have been quite a few people with whom I have decided to severe ties with as they create far too many problems and dramas, and quite frankly, I have far more important things to worry about, and watching my back shouldn't be one of them.
Life is too short to worry about little insignificant things.. family and those we love are the most important things and that is where my focus will be from now on.
A journey about love, life, family and embracing the Vintage Housewife that lives inside me...
Let me introduce myself...

- Kelly
- I'm a stay at home mother to 3 beautiful children who provide my with a great deal of joy, and I have a wonderful husband who works very hard to provide for us. Life with 3 young children can be very chaotic and stressful at times. However, I have found that with a little (or a lot) or planning and organization, life can be a lot simpler and happier. I like to refer to this as 'organized chaos!' So now that we're acquainted, why don't you make yourself a nice hot cup of tea, relax and sit down and browse through my blog. Please feel free to drop me a line :)
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